Monday, January 26, 2015


(Probably the coolest name for a torah portion ever, just saying)
A belated Shabbat Shalom! I apologize for the lateness of this post! I was a bit distracted by HSTY's Comedy Night in Chelsea on Saturday :)

Here's the basics of Bo:

God dishes out the last 3 plagues:

8. Locusts

9. Darkness

10. Death of the Firstborn Children

And Pharaoh finally changes his mind! Unfortunately, it took the murder of his eldest for him to decide but hey God works in mysterious ways I guess. We all have our own plagues (from this snow of biblical proportions to midterm exams) but don't let them get to you. Everyone has their own metaphorical Red Sea that parts, freeing them from their troubles. Have a good rest of your week!

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