Thursday, December 25, 2014


Shabbat Shalom! This weekend, I'm off to NFTY-GER's Winter Kallah at Camp Harlam so this is going to be a fun little post! This week's story is part 3 of Joseph's story. Joseph finally reveals to his brothers that he is still alive and has risen to power in Egypt. He apologizes for being kind of a jerk and says that he will help them during the famine years. Wait, rewind, he said he would help his brothers? The same ones that left him for dead? Yeah those ones, you heard me. Joseph isn't a kid anymore and he has come to realize that he would rather forgive and forget than be a total jerkface to his family. As Hannah Montana would say, "Nobody's perfect!" Speaking of Hannah Montana, I'm reminded of a scene from the Hannah Montana movie: Miley is too caught up with her rockstar life so she goes back to her roots in Tennessee. During her final performance of the movie, she realizes that she can't hide from her people anymore. She takes off the wig and the makeup and reveals who she really is, just a girl named Miley. She sings an entire song about how you can change the way you look but you always find a way back to where you belong. Like Hannah, Joseph's family drives him crazy but he would do anything for them, including giving up his Egyptian Rockstar facade. So when your family drives you crazy this holiday season, just sing Nobody's Perfect and remember to put the past behind you!

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